Privacy policy

CR8 Consultancy Ltd collects registration and other information (including email addresses) on its website. This is done in order to provide interested businesses with information regarding relevant reports, content, and services from CR8 Consultancy Ltd.

CR8 Consultancy Ltd will not share your personal information with third parties without prior consent of the individual unless instructed to do so for legal purposes.

CR8 Consultancy Ltd is dedicated to protecting personal information and will make every reasonable effort to handle collected information appropriately. All information collected, as well as related requests, will be handled as carefully and efficiently as possible.

We may also store information using cookies which we can later access when you visit our websites at a later date. If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, please contact your system administrator who can help you remove these cookies.

If you have any queries about how we obtained your information, or to unsubscribe from communications, please contact us.